Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 Ingredients)

Sherry M Watson
Ratings : 4.0 ⭐ from 1674
⌛ 30 minutes
🗒️ 7 ingredients
👩‍🍳 2-3 persons

Welcome to the universe of, a place where you can find delectable and straightforward recipes for any occasion.

Today's special is the omelet kentang/patatesli menemen/potato omelet. This delightful recipe is simple and quick to prepare.

All you require are 7 ingredients and the readiness to follow 5 simple steps.

Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)


  • 2 potatoes 🥔 (medium/big size)
  • 1 onion 🧅
  • 3 garlics 🧄
  • 5 eggs 🥚
  • 3 spoons oil
  • salt
  • black pepper
⚡Before proceeding to the steps of creating "Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 Ingredients)", it is advisable to explore the following brief health tips:
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A healthy and nutritious diet is crucial for maintaining good health. Consuming a variety of foods that provide essential nutrients helps our bodies perform various vital functions.

Foods loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants are key to strengthening our immune system and shielding us from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Additionally, a healthy diet aids in maintaining an optimal weight, controlling cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and even balancing hormones. For growing children and teenagers, proper nutrition is crucial for their full physical development and brain growth. For adults, a well-rounded diet can significantly enhance daily productivity and energy levels.

In essence, adopting a healthy eating habit as a part of your lifestyle is a long-term investment in better health and improved quality of life.

We trust that you’ve gained some insightful insights from this information. Now, let’s return to the preparation of the "omelet kentang/patatesli menemen/potato omelet".

💡️ Once all the components are ready, you can prepare omelet kentang/patatesli menemen/potato omelet by following the 5 following steps:


  • 1. Peel the potatoes, dice it. Do the same things on onion and garlic/Kupas kentang, potong dadu. Lakukan hal yang sama pada bawang merah dan bawang putih.

    Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)

  • 2. Heat the frying pan using the oils and fry the potatoes; once it's golden brown, add the onions and garlic/Panaskan wajan menggunakan minyak dan goreng kentang; setelah berwarna cokelat keemasan, tambahkan bawang bombay dan bawang putih.

    Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)

  • 3. When the smell of garlic is right, then ad the black papers and salt/Bila bau bawang putih sudah harum, lalu taburkan merica hitam dan garam.

    Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)

  • 4. Mix the potatoes, then add the mixed eggs. Spread the eggs equally in the pan, close the pan with the lid, and turn the fire smaller for 10 minutes/Campur kentang, lalu tambahkan telur campur. Sebarkan telur secara merata di dalam wajan, tutup wajan dengan penutup, dan kecilkan api selama 10 menit.

    Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)

  • 5. And the potato omelet is ready to serve for two till three persons in the breakfast/Dan omelet kentang siap disajikan untuk dua sampai tiga orang di sarapan 🍳🍞 🌅

    Omelet Kentang/patatesli Menemen/potato Omelet (7 ingredients)

We're sure that by accurately following the recipe we've provided, from the ingredients to the steps, you'll achieve excellent results.

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