Greek Turkey Burgers With Avocado And A Lemon Parsley Mayo (11 Ingredients)

Sherry M Watson
Ratings : 5.0 ⭐ from 1626
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🗒️ 11 ingredients
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Welcome to the universe of, a blog where you can uncover delicious and straightforward recipes for any occasion.

Today's highlight is the greek turkey burgers with avocado and a lemon parsley mayo. This pleasing recipe is easy and quick to prepare.

All you require are 11 ingredients and the eagerness to follow 4 simple steps.

Greek Turkey Burgers With Avocado And A Lemon Parsley Mayo (11 ingredients)


  • 16 oz ground turkey
  • 1 cup diced onions and peppers, chopped fairly small. 1/2 c each (I buy them frozen and already chopped for recipes like this!!)
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 cup reduced fat feta cheese crumbles
  • 1 1/2 tbsp your favorite greek seasoning(I prefer a salt free brand like Greenway organic)
  • 1 salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 optional burger buns, sandwich thins, pita bread or your favorite burger bread. I ate mine without a bun.
  • 1/2 cup light mayo
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp dried parsley flakes
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
⚡Before proceeding to the steps of creating "Greek Turkey Burgers With Avocado And A Lemon Parsley Mayo (11 Ingredients)", it is advisable to explore the following brief health tips:
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A well-rounded and nutritious diet is crucial for maintaining good health. Consuming a variety of foods that provide essential nutrients helps our bodies perform various critical functions.

Foods filled with vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants are key to bolstering our immune system and shielding us from chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Additionally, a healthy diet aids in maintaining an optimal weight, controlling cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and even balancing hormones. For growing children and teenagers, proper nutrition is crucial for their full physical development and brain growth. For adults, a well-rounded diet can significantly enhance daily productivity and energy levels.

In essence, adopting a healthy eating habit as a part of your lifestyle is a long-term investment in better health and improved quality of life.

We trust that you’ve gained some useful insights from this information. Now, let’s return to the preparation of the "greek turkey burgers with avocado and a lemon parsley mayo".

💡️ After preparing all the ingredients, it's time to create greek turkey burgers with avocado and a lemon parsley mayo by adhering to the 4 following procedures:


  • Mix first 6 ingredients. (From here I prefer to let sit in the fridge for a few hrs so flavors can intensify)
  • Spray a non stick frying pan or stove top grill pan and form mixture into 4 even burgers. (Prefer smaller burgers? Make 6.) Cook in pan for 5-7 minutes each side on medium heat or until cooked all the way through.

    Greek Turkey Burgers With Avocado And A Lemon Parsley Mayo (11 ingredients)

  • While burgers are cooking on pan mix mayo, lemon juice, parsley and garlic powder.
  • Serve on a bun with a tbsp of mayo on each burger or eat alone sans the bun like I did for a lower carb option. I also went heavier on the mayo...yum!!!

We're sure that by accurately following the recipe we've provided, from the ingredients to the steps, you'll achieve outstanding results.

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